Amel candidate for the Nobel Prize in 2016 with the support of the MCA Foundation


Amel Association International (Amel) is a Lebanese and non-sectarian NGO created in 1979. Amel has worked through 24 centers and 6 mobile medical units for more than 35 years in the poorest regions of Lebanon, from Beirut and its south Suburbs to Mount Lebanon, Bekaa and south Lebanon. Amel offers accessible services for all in the following fields: medical, psychosocial, professional training, rural development, child protection and human rights promotion. Amel aims at the construction of a prosperous and democratic Lebanon where all the population, whatever its confession, its political ideology, its socioeconomic level or its nationality, lives in harmony; a Lebanon where citizenship would be a concept lived and shared by all, and where basic rights (health, education, housing) would be insured by a strong State which would allow his citizens to live with dignity, free to think, to believe, to circulate and to express itself. It is in this vein that the association adopted the slogan “positive thinking and permanent optimism” and the “theory of 3Ps” (Principles which define a Position which we put into Practice), symbolizing the union of the efforts of all to transform words into action on the field.Plus d’informations ici